've got this problem... You know... The one that's keeping you up at night and distracting you during the day... How are you going to solve it?

You've tried so many things already and you know there MUST be a solution... But what is it...?

Why is the solution so elusive? Because you are looking for the answer in the wrong place.

Every problem we face in life is actually an invitation to evolve, learn and grow. But that process can only take place if you understand the powerful system that drives everything in this Universe: The Four Levels of Creation.

You already know a lot about the physical level. That's where your problem is occurring, and that's where you've been hunting for solutions. But what if your solution isn't located at this level? What if it's sitting in one of the other three levels?

This course is about helping you unlock the secrets of all four levels. Understand which part of the creative process takes place at which level. And which tools you need if you want to make changes at that level.

Then, it's simply a matter of locating the level in which your problem is rooted, applying the right tools and strategies and, hey presto! - that knotty problem is going to unravel.

What You Get in This Course

Four modules that take you deep into each of the Four Levels of Creation.

Each module takes place over a week and is part self-study and part group coaching over Zoom.

So, for every module (that's each week) you will get:

  • Live group coaching call with Katie
  • Training videos and written materials that you can review and use at your own pace
  • Workbook with simple, practical exercises using the Four Levels tools to unravel your problem
  • The opportunity to ask questions and discuss the material with other course members, via written comments during the week
  • Continued access to all the course materials for life, so you can watch and review things as often as you need, even after the course has finished. 

By the end of the course you will have understood how to locate the root cause of whatever problem you are bringing for resolution. You will know which tools to work with to resolve the problem and you will have a strategy outlined that you can take forward to create the transformation you're seeking.

Going beyond this course, the Four Levels of Creation will give you a powerful model that you can apply to any problem in order to create massive transformation and growth.

Meet Your Guide

I am Katie Dean and I am going to be guiding you through the Four Levels of Creation.

I am super-excited to be sharing this amazing model with you because I know how powerful it is. I used it myself to recover after spending twenty years living with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS/ME).

I have also watched other people use this model to overcome many different problems. Some, like me, have recovered from different health issues. Others have overcome blocks that were keeping them stuck in their careers or creating problems in their relationships.

This may sound "too good to be true", but it really works! And I invite you to discover the power of the Four Levels of Creation for yourself.

This course is closed for enrollment.

The Science Behind the Model

"Everything is Energy. That's all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want, and you cannot help but get that reality. This is not philosophy. This is physics."

Albert Einstein

The model you are about to explore is rooted in the life-changing discoveries made by Quantum Physicists. It also brings in Metaphysics and Spirituality, creating a holistic concept that works with our own holistic nature. 

You may not be aware of this, but you are an Energy Being. Your physical experience - your body and the world around you - is simply Energy particles that have been compressed to form Matter. Your Energy field still exists and your daily experience is being created from that field all the time. That field is also interacting with the Universal field and with the fields of those around you. Once you come to understand that idea and work with the principles of Energy, anything becomes possible.

To translate Einstein's famous quote, if you are experiencing something that you do not desire (a problem) it is because you are operating at a frequency that matches that. If you wish to change your experience, you need to increase your body's Energy frequency and you will automatically begin to bring in higher-frequency realities (solutions to your problems).

The Four Levels of Creation will provide you with a simple, practical model and tools for making those changes.

Week 1 - 6th November 2023

Unity Consciousness. What is it that you are really trying to create? Understanding how to harness the universal Energy field that provides the foundation for everything.

Define your problem and explore to take it back to the root level from which everything is built. This is all about ensuring you are creating from a solid foundation. So, if your struggles have been resulting from a wobbly foundation, this week is going to highlight and begin correcting that.

Week 2 - 13th November 2023

The Intuitive Level. Exploring the Akash and your Karma. Did you incarnate into this life-time with pre-existing blocks that are waiting to be addressed?

Uncover those blocks using a combination of NES biofield scan (a scientifically backed technology that will scan your body's Energy field to identify blocks that you may not be aware of), and also life assessment that will begin bringing more blocks to your awareness.

Week 3 - 20th November 2023

Psycho-Emotional level. Understanding the Law of Attraction and how the frequency from which you are operating is creating your lived experience.

Start working with the tools to increase your frequency and manifest more of what you desire and less of what you wish to avoid.

Week 4 - 27th November 2023

Physical level. Bringing all of this together into a practical plan that shows you how to continue removing the blocks you have identified at each level.

Also looking at your current physical reality to identify any missing puzzle pieces. These could be practical skills, lifestyle choices, or qualifications that you may need in order to overcome the problem for which you are seeking resolution.

What Do You Need To Bring?

Just yourself and the problem on which you wish to work!

You don't need any prior knowledge - just a willingness to be open to learning new ideas and working with the concepts of Energy. 

I can't wait to share this transformational model with you and watch you step into the flow and abundance you've been looking for.

How Much Time Will The Course Take?

You should expect to spend about 1-2 hours each week on going through the materials and completing your worksheet. You may find you wish to spend longer (or perhaps you learn faster), so there is flexibility.

Each weekly group coaching call is scheduled to last an hour, and will take place on a Wednesday or Thursday. This is also flexible and can be tailored to the needs of the group - every group is different!

In week two, you will also have the opportunity to take a bioenergetic scan and meet one-to-one with me for 30 minutes to discuss the results.

This course is closed for enrollment.

Mental and Physical Health Disclaimer

The lessons, materials and tools shared in this course are for educational purposes only. They are not designed or intended to diagnose or treat any physical or mental health condition. You should not begin new treatment or change existing treatment plans unless advised by your qualified medical practitioner. Do not delay seeking help for your symptoms because of information contained in any course materials.

If you are experiencing physical or mental health symptoms, please seek immediate advice from a qualified doctor or mental health practitioner. And if any of your symptoms appear serious or life-threatening, you should seek immediate emergency care. 

Legal Disclaimer

As with any online course, results will reflect the commitment you show. This course is not promising that your problem will be resolved in a specific time frame: it is designed to provide you with the understanding, tools and strategy to access deep-level transformation.

Results will vary according to many different factors. These include (but are not limited to), the amount of time you put into learning, understanding and working with the materials, the severity and nature of your problem. It is also important to remember that healing (in it's broadest sense - not just healing physically or mentally) is a process not an event. Evolution and growth take time, faith and commitment. The information shared here is powerful, but it is not intended to be a guarantee of any specific outcome.

Information shared in this course is correct to the best of my skills and ability. It reflects my own research, views, personal experience and understanding. I reserve the right to update or change materials at any time, or to withdraw materials without prior notice. "Life-time access" refers to the life-time of the course.